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Gingerbread House Fundraiser

Gingerbread House contest open to anyone who wants to enter a pre-built gingerbread house. Anyone can come and see the buildings, vote on their favorites and eat cookies, 2-4 pm Sunday December 8 at the Hazel Green Opera House.
$20 entry fee for adults, $5 entry fee for youth
All proceeds go to Family Promise of Grant County!
Read More06/07
7th Annual Family Promise of Grant Co Golf Outing

7th Annual Golf outing and silent auction in support of Family Promise of Grant County as it seeks to assist homeless families to move from homelessness to permanent housing. 9 hole, four person teams using best shot format. $70/person includes green fees, cart and meal. Silent auction items include golf for two on one of the best courses in Wisconsin, Whistling Straits!!!
To sign up or for more information:Tim Zauche @ 608.330.3001 or zauchet@gmail.com